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Build it Right

the First Time

We are your product-market fit coach. We uncover true customer intent to help you build and scale.

Our Team has helped some of the best achieve product market fit.

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WHen should we talk?

Great Product/
Not Selling

"We have a kick-ass product but it's just not selling as fast as we want.  We've tried 1000 things and we're running out of ideas.  We still believe there is a market here but we need help cracking it fast."

Launching Features/
Not Resonating

“Our customers are not responding to our  launches.  We research, build awesome stuff, and the numbers don't move the way we'd hoped.  Help us figure out what our customers really want so we can grow faster.”

Great People/
Not Aligned

“We have grown and hired A+ talent but everyone is going in different directions.  My people are not making the decisions I would make in the same situation.  I'm doing too much course correcting.  Help us move faster at scale.”


Andrew Glaser


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Who we are

We've been there and done that.  Andrew and Bob have started 10 companies so we know what it takes.

At Laser Ventures, we work in the trenches with founders to achieve product-market fit, align to scale, and help you avoid all of the "smart-sounding mistakes" that we made.  


Laser Ventures is a spin-off of Bob Moesta's innovation consulting firm The ReWired Group. The ReWired Group helped many startups achieve product-market fit and some reach unicorn status.  


Laser Ventures offers startups access to world-class advice and processes designed by former HBS professor Clay Christensen, Bob Moesta.


Our lead coach is Andrew Glaser, a protege of Bob's with experience as a founder, investor, and C-level executive




Bob Moesta


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“At Intercom, we made a huge bet on Jobs-to-be-Done, initially as a way to inform our product strategy and later as a way to go to market. Five years later, it’s still the foundation of our product and marketing strategies. We’ve architected the entire company around the idea that people experience problems in their lives or businesses, and they buy products to solve those problems.


I can’t think of one area of our business Jobs-to-be-Done hasn’t improved. Product, marketing, sales and support have all benefited heavily from what we’ve learned by focusing on it.”


Des Traynor, Co-Founder, Intercom

We help with your
top priority 

Beyond subject matter expertise and iterations, there are other essential tools, frameworks, and processes for finding PMF. We've used these tools to find PMF hundreds of times.  We've documented some of our methods.


For weekly tips on how to find PMF:
subscribe to our blog

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How we work


Within 30 days we’ll understand causality and start launching solutions.


We partner with you.  We review output, comment on wireframes, review copy, etc.


We shape products that work for both your customer and your company.

LET'S Talk

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©2023 by Laser Ventures

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